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Vulva-Vaginal Mapping: To maximize your pleasure

What the is Vulva-Vaginal Mapping?

Vulva-Vaginal Mapping is the Somatic Sexological Bodywork™ method to discover and expand pelvic floor erogenous zones, unwind shame, heal trapped pain, numbness or emotions, build trust and body acceptance, increase anatomy knowledge and create new neurological pathways to pleasure.

Vulva-Vaginal Mapping is a unique genital mapping experience to touching your pelvic floor point by point, bringing stillness, attention and intention to notice what is felt on a physical and emotional sense. You will feel for the potential of pleasure, tenderness, pain, numbness, or neutrality as you identify the sensation of a certain point.

This somatic approach connects sensations & feelings we hold in our body to help unwind what no longer serves us and can expand orgasmic potential. It’s an unfolding process that is a felt experience, which is how we integrate this powerful transformation & new knowledge into our being.

  1. You will need a towel, vagina-friendly massage oil such as coconut oil, and a pen & paper.

  2. Find a comfortable and private space for the vulva mapping session such as your bed.

  3. Draw a palm-sized circle on the paper. This circle represents your vaginal entrance. Number it like a clock from 1 o’clock all the way to 12 o’clock. The clitoris is at 12 o’clock.

  4. Recline back on your bed/couch in a comfortable position, on top of a towel, with easy access to your vulva.

  5. Begin to massage your vulva gently and slowly with or without the massage oil to relax. It can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes depending on your mood. Feel free to play with your clitoris to heighten arousal.

  6. When you feel that your vagina is more relaxed and open, oil your index or middle finger. Gently insert inside about 1cm deep.

  7. Notice how your vaginal muscles tense up or relax when you penetrate yourself.

  8. It is time to vulva map!

  9. Press the finger into 1 o’clock on your vaginal entrance and take a few slow breaths.

  10. How hard to press? On a scale of 1-feather touch to 10-super painful, press at around 5-6. It should feel like you are giving your vagina a deep tissue massage.

  11. What do you feel when you press on this spot? Numbness? Pain? Pleasure? Tension? Is it burning strong pain or numb pain?

  12. Do you feel any emotions come up? What are they? Sadness? Grief? Joy? Anger?

  13. Record your findings on the paper next to 1 o’clock.

  14. Move the finger to 2 o’clock and press into the vaginal wall. What do you feel now? Take a few breaths. Do not rush yourself. Sometimes you need 1-2 minutes of mindful listening to your body to fully feel the sensations. Record your findings.

  15. Repeat clockwise all the way to 12 o’clock, recording your findings after each spot. Spend anywhere from 1-3 minutes on each section.

  16. Certain spots may require one or the other. Feel for areas of tension in your pelvic muscles. They are similar to painful muscle knots in your neck or shoulders. You can rate and record the pain on a scale from 1-to 10 for more detail.

  17. What you will notice is that every centimeter in your vagina feels different. Some parts will feel completely numb. Others will hold pain and tension. Some parts will experience pleasurable sensations, tingling, or even orgasmic.

  18. You are welcome to stay longer on each spot and give it some lovin’ with gentle circular massage movements of the finger.

  19. Please note – feeling nothing is also a feeling. There can be areas of numbness in the vagina that need to be re-awakened through gentle massage.

  20. Once you’ve done the full circle mapping at the entrance of your vagina, move the toy/finger 1-2cm deeper inside and repeat the full circle mapping again. You can map as far as your cervix if you wish.

  21. Be ready for emotions to come up during this mapping practice. You are tapping into a sensitive part of your body. It is totally natural to feel emotional. If you feel like crying, allow yourself to do so. It will be a fantastic release and I promise, you will feel better after. Deep tissue massage often loosens the emotions stuck in the muscles.

  22. Be extra mindful when you are pressing on the 12 o’clock as this is the location of your G-spot.

  23. If you become tired during vulva mapping, take a break or finish the practice on another day.

  24. Once you have all your results written down, take a look at your map. Do you see any patterns?

  25. You can pelvic map once every 2 weeks for 2-3 months to be sure of your patterns. It is not needed to repeat this practice again once you’ve discovered your patterns.

What Do I Do with My Vulva Map?

You may discover that at 2 and 3 o’clock you feel incredible pleasure! However, at 6 and 7 o’clock you feel burning pain. Once you know your spots, you can address them accordingly by gifting more attention to the pleasure spots during love-making and more gentleness during vulva self-massage. Most women tend to carry chronic vaginal tension in the same spots, similar to how we carry chronic muscle stress in the rest of the body such as the neck or lower back. Feel free to share this information with your partner! It is a fantastic clue and insight for them as well! Massage the painful and numb spots. Play with the pleasure spots. Explore. Explore. Explore.


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